President of Al-Baath University, Prof. Abdul Basit Al Khatib, chaired the committee formed to interview 15 top graduates from the medical and engineering faculties and the Faculty of Law to examine their eligibility to teach and health fitness, in the presence of the deans of the faculties and the members of the committee, as the graduates will be appointed as teaching assistants at the faculties.
Prof. Al Khatib has confirmed that these interviews are held annually at the university to examine the eligibility of top graduates who are honored by President Bashar al-Assad with appointing them as teaching assistants in accordance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree No. 25 of 2015, pointing out that they will be sent internally or externally to get master’s and doctorate degrees according to their specializations and be members of the teaching staff at the university.
He also stressed the importance of facilitating the procedures required to appoint them.
The meeting included conducting interviews for candidates for appointment to the position of teaching assistant in accordance with the standards of physical safety, reasoning, personal characteristics, language and general culture