A master thesis entitled “Preparation of liquid suspension fertilizers based on the local sourcing of raw materials” was discussed by the researcher Ghinwa Abdul Hak Al Husri at the Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Isam Ibrahim.
The judging panel comprised the following professors: Prof. Isam Ibrahim, Prof. Riad Kassouha, and Prof. Ali Suleiman.
President of Al-Baath University, Prof. Abdul Basit Al Khatib, stressed the scientific and economic importance of distinct research work, and emphasized to the deans of the faculties the necessity of directing postgraduate students to research topics that serve the process of reconstruction and sustainable development. He has also pointed to the significance of publishing their researches in international peer-reviewed scientific journals that contribute to improving the university ranking
At the end of the discussion, the researcher Ghinwa Abdul Hak Al Husri was awarded a master’s degree in chemical engineering with a very good grade