
Names of students admitted in the admission sorting for the children of teaching staff 2024/2025

#أسماء_المقبولين_بنتيجة_مفاضلة_أبناء_الهيئة_التدريسية_للعام٢٠٢٤_٢٠٢٥ Preparatory year, teaching staff Teaching staff, public, other specialities Teaching staff, other specialties Preparatory year, public, teaching staff

Results of the sorting of university admission eligibility for the academic year 2024/2025

Minimum grades- scientific branch- medical faculties-private universities 2024-2025 Minimum grades-scienitifc branch-parallel education 2024-2025 Minimum grades-literary branch-2024-2025 Minimum grades-literary branch-parallel education-2024-2025 Minimum grades-scientific branch- general education-2024-2025 Minimum […]

Awarding researcher Hanan Burhan Al sayed a master’s degree in pharmacy (pharmaceutical quality control) with distinction

A master thesis entitled ” Assessing the qaulity of locally marketed and ready-to-use suspension cefixime preparations under different climate conditions” was discussed by the researcher Hanan […]